About Cyber Advisory Service
What is CAS?
The aim of the Cyber Advisory Services (CAS) is to provide free and impartial advice on cyber security issues. We’re different because we also provide advice concerning cyber security breaches. We have been established from industry partners who provide expert advice and services in areas such as:
- Information Security and Standards
- Vulnerability Assessments
- Incident Response and Handling
- Cyber Resilience and Recovery
- Cyber Insurance
- Data Law
- Compliance Insight and Experience Measurements
We want to be the first point of call for SMEs who need help once a breach has occurred. Having the right support at the right time can be the difference between minimal business interruption and the business collapsing entirely.
Who Is CAS For?
CAS is for any small and medium enterprise (SMEs) within any industry across the UK who are seeking expert advice or guidance on cyber security.
How Does CAS Work?
The easiest way to start is through our homepage. This provides two scenarios:
I’ve suffered a breach: For businesses who have recently suffered a security breach and have no idea what to do next. Our Incident Response Advisory Partners will guide you through this difficult time and answer any questions you have. If required, other Advisory Partners in other key areas will be consulted on the best course of action for your business under its specific circumstances.
I need general advice: If you have a question about how to protect yourself from a potential breach or common cyber attacks, then search through our knowledge bank of FAQs and resources to find the answers you need. If you can’t find what you’re looking for, then submit your very own question for our Advisory Partners to answer.
The advice we offer is free and we do our very best to ensure all information given is accurate. However, we are not liable for any loss, damage or inconvenience you experience as a result of using this website or contacting us by email. Therefore, we aim to provide a high-quality service, but we can’t guarantee it will be uninterrupted or free from errors. We’re not responsible if a ‘third party’ brings a claim based on your use of our website advice as our aim is to give you and your business access to knowledge which you can then decide what to implement based on whatever is best for your business.
What if I need more help?
Our partners are all industry professionals who can work with you to assist in more detailed ways. Any use of their services will be between yourself and them and any costs associated to that will be strictly between you and the other party.
CAS does not profit for any other supplementary business you may need, and we always advise searching for other options outside of our own advice.